Prof. Jeton Kelmendi PhD

Prof. Jeton Kelmendi PhD


Jeton Kelmendi, pjesnik, dramaturg, knjizhevni prevodilac i publicista, rodjen je 1978 godine u Pecci

Osnovnu i srednju shkolu zavrshio je u Pecci, studije o Masovnom komuniciranju u Prishtini, a poslijediplomske studije  u Briselu ULB - Medjunarodnu politiku i pitanja Sigurnosti. Godinama pishe i objavljuje poeziju, prozu, eseje i priçe. Suradjuje sa veccim brojem medija na albanskom i drugim jezicima , tretirajucci razliçita pitanja kulture i politike, posebice ona  koja se tiçu medjunarodnih odnosa.

   Prvu zbirku poezije “Stoljecce obecanja”, objavio je  1999 godine.Kasnije objavio je niz knjiga. Njegove pjesme prevedene su na 24 jezika, zastupljen je u nekoliklo  medjunarodnih antologjia Jedan je od najprevedenijih albanskih pjesnika. Prema knjizhevnoj kritici Kelmendi  je jedan od najreprezentativnijih predstavnika albanske suvremene poezije . Çlan je nekoliko medjunarodnih klubova pjesnika i suradjuje sa nekoliko çasopisa posveccenih knjizhevnosti i kulturi, posebice na engleskom,francuskom i rumunskom jeziku. Bitnost njegova rada u oblasti knjizhevnosti jeste pazhnja koju posveccuje poetskom izrazu, suvremenom izlaganju teksta i dubini poruke. U njegovom stvaralashtvu izdvaja se posebice lirika ljubavi i eliptiçki stih sa umjetniçkim  metaforama i simbolima

Trenutno zhivi i radi u Briselu.

Naslovi objavljenih djela:

§                     Srolecce obeccanja,1999,poezija

§                     Preko shutnje , 2002, poezija

§                     Ako bude podne , 2004, poezi

§                     Pokloni mi malo Domovine 2005, poezija

§                     Gdje idu dolasci, 2007, poezija

§                     Gospodja rijeç, 2007, dramë

§                     Dolazila si tragom vjetra ,2008, poezija

§                     Vrijeme kada bude vremena, 2009 poezija

§                     Putovanje mishljenja 2010, poezija

§                     EU mission in Kosova after its independence, 2010, USA

Knjige na drugim jezicima

  • Ce mult s-au rãrit scrisorile ( Koliko mnogo su proredjena pisma),personalna antologjia na rumunskom jeziku , 2008,
  • Breath / Duh , objavljena u Indiji, 2009 godine.
  • Dame parol/drame; objavljena u Francuskoj ,2011
  • COMME LE COMMENCEMENT EST SILENCIEUX /(Kada poçinje shutnja) , poezija; Paris,  2011
  • ΠΟΥ ΠΑΝΕ ΟΙ ΕΡΧΟΜΟΙ/ (Gdje idu dolasci ), poezija , Grçka, 2010
  • Wie wollen /(Kako voljeti ), poezia , Njemaçka , 2011
  • Nasil sevmeli /(Kako voljeti ) poezija, Turska2011
  • A Palavra Evitou o Silêncio/(Rijeç  prelazi shutnju )  2009, Brazil
  • How to reach yourself/(Kako sresti sebe), poezija , USA  2010
  • Frau wort  (Gospodja rijeç) Drama Njemaçka  2012


Medjunarodne  i nacionalne  nagrade

§                     "Velika medjunarodna nagrada  Solenzara Paris"

§                     Nacionalna  Nagrada Miting poezije “Din Mehmeti  u Djakovici 2o11 godine

§                     Çlan je profesionalne  Novinarske asocijacije,Brisel

§                     Çlan je Akademije Nauka i Umjetnosti Evrope ,Paris



Kako se ide do samobitnosti


Prelazim države

Polja i šume i mora


Sve, što svijet


Putnik u pratnji dana i noći


Šetam minutama moga života.

Sve dok tebe ne sretnem


Što  radiš  tu

Uvijek dok šetam unutar


Tebe sretnem

Kod svakog raskršća

Po jedan znak  tvoj

Po jedno zeleno svjetlo


Na nebu svjetle mi oči tvoje

Koliko dugo

Će putovanje moje biti

Po novim putevima

Kojima jedino ja gazim

Prelazim ih na brzinu

Uputivši se prema tvojim znakovima


Ti čudni čovječe

Koliko je sati

Koji je danas datum

Da li znaš koji je mjesec


Jeste  sretno blagorodna  godina.

Kada sam prelazio liniju


Dvije dame sjedeći na travi

Čekaše mene

Jedna mi se prikazaše kao sunce

Druga kao mjesec

Kada stigoh blizu njih

Ponovno ti bijaše

Prva dama



Kormilar  unutrašnjosti

Ćaskali smo naširoko

O stvarima                                                                               

I o ništavilima

Koliko smo ispraznili

Izvore riječi

Toliko da rekoh sebi

Ti si sigurno

Jedan magičan svijet

I krenuh da se vratim ponovo

Samome sebi.


Idući tim znakovima, usmeravajući se

Negdje sredini puta


Prođe pored mene jedna Gorska Vila

Prestrašen, dok smo se približavali

Jedno drugome,


Nemoj me povrijediti

Putnik sam

I vraćam se sebi


Tiho progovori,

Iblagoslovi od zemlje

Do  neba

I učini mi se poznatim glasom

Hej čudna ljepoto

Kao poznat glas učini mi se

Zar i ovdje mi se prikazuješ

Kasno je

Sada nastavljam put

Možda Sutra  stignem


Koji bi čovjek

Mogao  putovati tako daleko

Pitam pjesnika koji bješe

Dok ga gledah

Onoga što vidjeh

I na samom svanuću

Stigao sam

Do kapije duše

Dva zraka čekasse me

Hej čovječe

Ponovno smo se sastali

Ti i ja i moja princeza

Sada moram priznati

Da si ti u meni

Da, jesi zaista lično Ja

Cijelo ovo putovanje

Da bi se stiglo do samoga sebe.

         Paris 28 ožujak

Živješe iznad sebe


Sada stigla je do samobitnosti i živi sa anđelima

                   (Majci Terezi ) 



Koliko je  godina  prošlo

Acad. Prof. Jeton Kelmendi PhD
Poet, player, publicist, translator, publisher, a professor of university and academic.
Born in the city of Peja, Kosovo (1978), Jeton Kelmendi completed elementary school in his birth place. Later he continued his studies at the University of Pristina and received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Mass communication. He completed his graduate studies at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, specializing in International and Security Studies. He finished his second master degree in diplomacy. Kelmendi did a PhD in the “Influence of media in EU Political Security Issues”. He is professor at AAB University College. He is active member of the European Academy of Science and Arts in Salzburg Austria. For many years he has written poetry, prose, essays and short stories. He is a regular contributor to many newspapers, in Albania and abroad, writing on many cultural and political topics, especially concerning international affairs. Jeton Kelmendi became well known in Kosova, after the publication of his first book entitled: “The Century of Promises” (“Shekulli i Premtimeve”), published in 1999. Later he published a number of other books. His poems are translated in more that thirty-seven languages and published in several international Literature Anthologies. He is the most translated Albanian Poet and well known in Europe. According to a number of literary critics, Kelmendi is the genuine representative of modern Albanian poetry. International critics and poets wrote for him a lot of article, considering him as great European poet. He is a member of many international cultural institutions, poetry clubs and is a contributor to many literary and cultural magazines, in different Languages around the world. The wisdom of his work in the field of Literature is based in the attention that he pays to the poetic expression, modern exploration of the text and the depth of the message. His Genre is focused more on love lyrics and elliptical verse intertwined with metaphors and artistic symbolism. Currently resides and works in Brussels, Belgium and in Pristina, Kosovo.
Published works:
1. “The Century Promises” (“Shekulli i Premtimeve”), 1999 (poetry)
2. “Beyond Silence” (“Përtej Heshtjes”), 2002 (poetry)
3. “If it is afternoon” (“Në qoftë mesditë”), 2004 (poetry)
4. “Fatherland pardon me” (“Më fal pak Atdhe”), 2005,(poetry)
5. “Where are the arrivals going” (“Ku shkojnë ardhjet”),2007 (poetry)
6. “You arrived for the traces of wind” (“Erdhe për gjurmë të erës”), 2008 (poetry)
7. “Time when it has time” (“Koha kurë të ketë kohë”), 2009 (poetry)
8. “Wandering thoughts” (“Rrugëtimi i mendimeve“) 2010 poetry
9. “The baptize of spirit” (Pagezimi I shpirtit) 2012 poetry
10. “I call forgotten things” (Thërras gjërat e harruara) 2013 poetry
11. “An another coming” (Një ardhje tjetër) 2020, poetry

Published plays:
 “Mrs Word” (“Zonja Fjalë”), 2007 (Drama)
 “Play and anti-play” (Lojë dhe kundër lojë) 2011 Drama

Political science:
I. EU mission in Kosova after its independence 2010 USA.
II. Bad times for the knowledge 2011, Pristina Kosovo.
III. NATO-EU missions, cooperative or competitive 2012, Tirana Albania.
IV. Media Influence in Security Politics in EU, 2016, Brussels, Belgium.

Published Works In Foreign Language:
1. “Ce mult s-au rãrit scrisorile” (“Sa fortë janë rralluar letrat”); published in Romanian Language.
2. “A respiration” (“Frymëmarrje’); published in India
3. “Dame parol,” drama; published in French
4. “COMME LE COMMENCEMENT EST SILENCIEUX” (“When start the silence”), poetry; Paris, France
5. “ΠΟΥ ΠΑΝΕ ΟΙ ΕΡΧΟΜΟΙ (“Where go the comings”), Poetry in Greek; Greece
6. “Wie wollen (“Si me dashtë”), poetry; Germany
7. Frau Wort (Miss word) drama Germany
8. A Palavra Evitou o Silêncio/(Words croses the silence) 2009, Brazil
9. Nasil sevmeli (Si me dashtë) poetry Turkey
10. НА ВЕРХІВ’Ї ЧАСУ (In the bigening of time) poetry Ukraine
11. How to reach yourself Poetry in USA
12. в зените времени истлевшего (A vers on top of the time gone) Poetry Russia
13. 34首封面 (34 poemus) poetry China
14. "فواصل للحذف " (Elliptical dots) Poetry in Egypt
15. Pensamientos del Alma (Thoughts of the spirit), poetry Spain 2014
16. Xewnên di dîwêr de (How to love) poetry Kudristan-Turkey 2015
17. Cómo Llegar A Ti Mismo (How to love) poetry Argentina 2015
18. Com Retrobar-Se (How to love) poetry Catalonia 2015
19. Prescurtarea departarilor (Shortening distances), poetry Romania, 2016
20. Rănile cuvântului (Plagët e fjalës) poetry Moldavia 2018
21. 思想狩獵愛 (Thoughts Hunt the Loves) poetry Taiwan 2018.
22. wybrane wiersze (Selected poems) Poetry in Polish, Poland 2018.
23. Düsünceye götüren misralar (How to know) Turkish Turkey 2018.
24. ДИВЉА ЋУТАЊА (Wild silence) Serbian, Serbia Belgrade 2018.
25. Daba Ljubavi (Eatg of love) Montenegrian, Montenegro Podgorica 2018.
26. Cудбински простор (destiny space) poetry, Macedonia 2018.
27. Tra realtà e sogno (Between the reality and dreams) Italy 2019.
28. Pensamentos em busca dos amores (Thoughts in search of love, 2019
29. Čas ljubezni (Love moments) Slovenia, 2019.
30. Savaş zamaninda eşq (Love in war time) Azerbaijan 2019.
31. Keserü kávé (Bitter coffee), Hungarian, Budapest, 2019.
32. Pfungua dzinovhima vadiwa, (Thoughts Hunt the Loves), Shona, mangiage, Zimbawe 2019.
33. Antidrom (Antidream), Norwegian Oslo 2019.
34. L’Age mythique (Age mythic) Paris 2020.

Books translated by Jeton Kelmendi
1. Plagët e bukurisë by Athanase Vantchev de Thracy (France), translated from French together with Gjovalin Kola
2. Hijet e dritës by Skënder Sherifi (Belgium), translated from French
3. Gjuha e botës (International Poetry Antholgy) (10 poets from 10 countries) translated from English and French
4. Sheshi i shikimeve (International Poetry Anthology) (13 poets from 13 countries) translated from English
5. E di kush je by Erling Kittelsen (Norwey), translated from English
6. Emrimi i gjërave by Zhang Zhi Diablo (Chine), translated from English.
7. Vetmia e erës by Bill Wolak (USA), Traslated from English
8. Trokas në mendjen tënde by Alicja Kuberska, Poland, translated from English.
9. Tingujt e Mendimeve by Lee Kuei-shien, Taiwan. Translated from English.
10. Kam mësuar ca gjëra by Ataol Behramoglu, Istambul. Translated from English.
11. Pakti im – Testament by Ernesto Kahan, Telaviv, translated from English.
12. Rreth dy botëve by Maria Miraglia, Romë, translated from English.
13. Destinacioni by Fernando Rendon (Kandidat NOBEL), translated from English.
14. Amplituda e probabiliteteve nga Laura Garavaglia, translated from English and French.
15. Rreth dy botëve, by Maria Miraglia, translated from English.
16. Regjister i shkruar nga domethënia by Tendai Rinos Mwanaka, translated from English.
17. Pyllezimi- Dystopia by Saso Ognanovski, translated from English.
18. Vargu i thyer (Broken string), by Maria Samiero do Barroso, translated from English.
19. The waight of wish by Luan Maloku, translated from Albanian to English.
20. I feel you so close by Luan Maloku, translated from Albanian to English.
21. Anthem of quiet thoughts by Bujatr Tafa, translated from Albanian to English.
22. Thoughts hunt the loves by Jeton Kelmendi, translated from Albanian to English.

International Membership:
 Member of the Academy of Science and Arts of Europe, Salsburg, Austria.
 Member of the World Academy of Art and Culture, California, USA.
 Member of the Association of Professional Journalists of Europe, Brussels, Belgium.
 Member of the Academy of Science, Arts and Literature of Europe, Paris, France.
 Member of the Academy of Science and High Education of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
 Member of International PEN club Belgian Francophone, Brussels Belgium.
 Honorary member of Academy Internacional “Mihai Eminescu”, Romania.
 Member of Euro-Azia Writers Union, Turkey.

International Awards:
I. Doctor Honoris Causa of the Institute of Ukrainian and Caucasian studies at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences 2012.
II. Doctor Honoris Causa of Universidad Nacional Del Este, Praguay 2017.
III. SOLENZARA Prestigious International Award, Paris, France 2010.
IV. Internationa Prize “Nikolaj Gogol” Ucraine 2013.
V. International Prize “Alexander the Great” Greece 2013
VI. National Poetry book prize MITINGU, in Gjakova, Kosovo 2011.
VII. International Prize “World Poetry” third prize in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013.
VIII. “Translater of theyear 2013”, in China 2013.
IX. International Prize “Mather Teresa” for humaniy in poetry, Gjakova Kosovo. 2013
X. International Prize “Ludwig Nobel” of Udmurtian PEN Club, Udmurtu, Russia 2014
XI. International Prize “Mihai Eminescu” Romania, 2016
XII. International Prize “Poet of the year 2016”, Sofly International literatture foundation 2017.
XIII. International Prize “World Icon for Peace”, from the World Institute for Peace, Nigeria, 2017.
XIV. International Prize “World Literature”, in Kazakhstan, 2017.
XV. Ambasador of Peace by the World Institute for Peace. 2017.
XVI. International Prize “Prize of the Academy”, European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Literture, Paris 2018.
XVII. International “Matthew Arnold Award”, India 2018.
XVIII. International Prize “Special Ganadores del concurso”, Bolivia 2019.
XIX. Doctor Honoris Causa from the University Constandin Stere, Chisinau Moldova 2019.
XX. International Neruda Awards, Taranto Italy 2019.
XXI. World big name in literatuere, Mongolia, 2020.
XXII. Doctor Honoris Causa from Theoligical Institute mission the Last Trumpet, Brasil 2020.
XXIII. ‘Great Personality Award 2020’ from World International Forum for Peace, India 2020.
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